Friday, February 27, 2015

Making Plans

Plans are being laid, wheels are spinning and nothing is moving as fast as I'd like. I can guarantee this will be an unending tune. In addition to the work that lays ahead for our two units in our house, my parent's have a place in Bed Stuy they just closed on that needs work as well. I'll be working on both in tandem. It should help us all out. Instead of my parent's getting bids from several contractors on their job and us getting several bids for ours, we'll coordinate and combine forces. Sharing human resources in a city the size of NY takes away some of the overwhelmed feeling I get now and again.

But for now, here's a peak at what we're up against. Care to take a walk through our unit?

Front Entry Door


Entry Hall, Kitchen ahead, Living to the left

Yes, fly traps are delicately hung from the ceiling. That fire extinguisher does send up some red flags in my mind as there was no kitchen range when I first moved in.


 All cabinet doors attached with new single hinge system, determining which will be the attachment point is my favorite new game; avoid opening. 


The plywood door and security gate feature come at not extra charge. Also, there's extra ventilation from non closing and broken windows.

First Bedroom

Second Bedroom

Third Bedroom 
Third Bedroom

 Don't open the cabinets, just don't.


TAPE AS TILE! Plus, don't mind the black grout,  it is simply caulking applied as super secret efficient cleaning method - no need to remove, just trap it in.

Close up on the monstrosity that is TAPE AS TILE. I can't even begin to imagine what lies beneath.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Moving In

I walked up to our new home, keys in one hand, tub of cleaning supplies in the other, filled with determination and excitement. It was a balmy 9 degrees outside as I opened the first set of doors. Then the snags started to trickle in. As I stood in the vestibule trying all 9 keys, I thought to myself, "Gee that lock looks really new". Turns out, the only person who had a copy of the key was the upstairs tenant. It was really new. As I waited the 45min for the lock smith to arrive, I got a good look at my first set of projects to tackle. Honestly, the vestibule is the only room I clearly remember from any of my other times in the building. Turns out, it may be in the best shape. I was excited to see the paint flaking off with previously varnished woodwork aching to be revealed. The cute tile entry will take a little mending, but nothing too messy.

What I wasn't prepared for, other than my 4 hour cleaning that didn't seem to make a difference, was the lack of a kitchen range. I honestly can't recall if the damned thing was there during the walk through. I'm starting to think that I may be in shock.

On the up side, we were planning on purchasing new appliances for the 2nd floor apartment, so the new fridge, range and dishwasher that we threw down for will be put to good use. Eight Lowe's gift cards, free President's Day shipping, and a slightly lighter wallet later, I've got a brand spankin' new set of kitchen appliances. It will be great to use a fridge that doesn't have a bubble wrap Macgyver seal to keep the cold air in (thanks old apartment). 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

One Year and Eight Months Later

We did it. One year and eight months later, we signed, rather I signed all the lines. Who knew my 5-year-old obsession with He-man would one day lead me to a 4 hour house closing in which I would get to exclaim, "I HAVE THE POWER!" (of Attorney, that is).

The legal struggle is no where near an end but of the two legal units, the first floor is completely empty and ready to move into. This is beyond wonderful as Sophie dog and I are currently living in an apartment without heat. That is a story worthy of it's own zip-code. To put it succinctly, our landlord passed away leaving no heirs or will. The other two owners of the property have been fighting in court. The not so capable or not so sane gentleman living in the basement (illegally without working plumbing I will add) has attempted to extort the current tenants for cash for heat. The boiler is working and all calls to NYC 311 building department have been fruitless. The police have shown up three times attempting to rectify the situation but have no ability to remove the Basement Troll from the premises nor keep him from turning the heat off in an attempt to freeze us out. I'm sure that a year from now I'll look back and laugh, possibly hysterically, at the situation. For now, I am anxious making the move alone which C works in Nashville and nervous to be in a new neighborhood.

Here's to a new adventure!

Up next, a meeting with an architect tomorrow morning to get this ball of wax rolling along.