Monday, October 31, 2016

While Waiting...and Waiting

The perpetual wait for our plumbing inspection leads me to believe we'll never be finished. However, things are looking up in terms of the inspection happening soon. For real this time. Probably. Maybe. 

I finally convinced our plumber to give me his expeditor's phone number so that I can stop playing a sad version of the kid's party game telephone; going from Expeditor #1 - Plumber - Contractor - Me - Expeditor #2 -  and back again. It was infinitely frustrating. Expeditor #1 needed some specific changes on a few of our documents filed with the Department of Buildings, but every time those specifics were relayed to me, they turned into, "the paperwork is incorrect, I can't tell you exactly why", which then was related to Expeditor #2 with his charming response of, "nothing is wrong". This went on for MONTHS and Expeditor #2 even made changes, but somehow managed to screw it up again. I wouldn't recommend him as a door stop let alone to file paperwork that needs to be free of errors. This man filed my parents' building plans with the wrong address, which has led to numerous delays for them as well. 

That trauma drama aside, I am trying to finish up all of the tasks on my to-do list. 

Final coat of paint went on the rear bay windows today. Still waiting to finish the front windows; I have an appointment with the Marvin Window tech for a few latch and lock issues. But here's the view from the back:

They turned out rather pretty, but what a nuisance it was to paint them. I would never order windows unprimed again.  Hopefully I won't be putting that hard lesson learned into practice, as we shouldn't have to install windows again.

I also finished painting all of the doors upstairs! Oh how they sparkle and shine. 

I also have begun the annoying task of installing our HVAC vent covers. Technically the HVAC contractor should be handling this, but they aren't allowed back in our house. It is a small price to pay to keep the ignoramus away. I'll paint them the ceiling color when I touch up the ceiling closer to completion. 

And I making lemonade out of all the punctures in our bedroom wall their reckless behavior created. This portion of the wall is next to the vestibule and gets chilly. So, I used their Swiss cheese to add insulation. 

In other news, Sophie is helping us pick out flooring. She votes white oak. I approve of her choice. We're going with a 3.25" wide plank to reflect what was originally in the house. Remember all those hours I spent scraping glued down laminate tiles off of the floor? (I still have flash backs to the gas mask, heat gun, and chisel.) Turns out I succeeded in creating a nice and even sub floor, but the floor itself, can't be salvaged. It will remain in place, acting as the base for our new wood. 

Oh and what glorious wood it will be. The upper right quadrant of the photo depicts the white oak going in on the first floor. We are going with the lower left quadrant, red oak, for the upstairs. It is slightly less expensive and very similar, just a bit more pink in the undertones. For now, I think we'll do a simple sand and seal, no stain.

I am going to purchase the wood tomorrow morning and couldn't be more excited.  WOOD WOOD WOOD WOOD! We had some help early in the week getting the house ready for the wood delivery and install. It is a bit of a tricky puzzle since we are still living on the premises and there are building supplies everywhere. We did manage to move everything either onto a tiled surface, into the basement, or onto a portion of oak flooring that exists in our unit that we will keep, and sand down at the end of the install. I hope to have photos of our house with real floors soon. Even more hopeful of a passed plumbing inspection.